Black9 Lives!
Yesterday, Dink, a user on the Hidden Palace Discord, posted a link to a build of Black9 which had seemingly been uploaded to anonymously just some days prior. If you didn’t know already, I’d written a short piece about Black9 back in 2018 (yikes, time flies), so it was really exciting to finally have an opportunity to see what the game actually looked and played like.
But nothing is ever quite that simple, is it?
Continue readingAn Odd World; Oddworld Stranger's Wrath Prototype
In April, in the Hidden Palace Discord server, a user with the handle ‘Sgabbit’ asked about the Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath prototype that had been shown on the YouTube channel PtoPOnline. Unfortunately, many years later, it still wasn’t publicly available.
Aiming to change that, we decided to make an offer to the individual behind the channel, and after acquiring some better capture equipment and sending our Xbox off to have more RAM soldered onto the motherboard, here we are today!
Continue readingDumping to
There hasn’t been any formal announcement yet but we have a new archive site in the works over here. The archive available via the new site is with a significantly faster provider which will allow me to keep it updated more often and also allow you guys to have faster download speeds.
That said, there’s nothing yet on the new archive (besides some random Final Fantasy XV bits which were thrown up as a test) as I’ve been wrestling with myself to get on with indexing our offline archive, so we can get significantly more up than we had before.
Anyway, I digress, the whole reason for mentioning the above is a rather poor explanation as to why I’ve not been uploading to our current archive so much as of late, and instead I’ve been dumping software onto
Below are a couple of discs I’ve recently dumped that may be of interest to _someone _out there. Some of these aren’t particularly rare but weren’t yet on so I’ve seen to it they’re now available for anyone to download.
Continue readingDuke Nukem Forever, whoo
I’m sure you’ve heard already that two builds of Duke Nukem Forever from 2001 have leaked. One from August and another from October. The August build is unfortunately missing content but still gives a glimpse at a slightly earlier state of the game.
Continue readingSmall Furry Creatures
Or more widely known as Creatures - if you’re not familiar with it (and unfortunately I’d take a bet you’re not), it’s a 2D simulation “artificial-life” game featuring rather odd beings known as Norns and Grendels. I don’t believe it is the first, but it is likely one of the first games to utilize neural networks for simulating some surprisingly complex beings.
Before you read too far into this article, I’d very highly recommend purchasing a copy of Creatures and taking a look at it yourself, as otherwise you’ll be missing a lot of important context!
In late October, I was given permission by EemFoo from Eem Foo’s Archive to take a look at a prototype of Creatures (referred to as Creatures 0 by the community) from March 1994 (it should’ve since been made available for everyone). This is back when the game was called Small Furry Creatures - hence the title of this article - and, at the time, was targeting ol’ MS-DOS as opposed to Microsoft Windows.
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