Banner created by Luis Antônio

  • Primal Source Tree

    As before, I’ve made the source tree for Primal available here for you to nose through to your content.

    Keep in mind that there is no actual code here, but just the tree representing how everything, or more specifically the source code, was laid out during development. This might give you some ideas, clues, or just generally, hopefully, be interesting for you to see—personally I’ve found some of these rather inspiring when deciding how to set out my own projects.

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  • Poking and Prodding Titan A.E.

    I peer amongst my assorted collection of unfinished works, noticing one in particular that’s been sitting for quite some time. Letting off a sigh, I grab it and proceed to blow the dust off it; an immediate coughing fit follows, and shock, seeing the only word on the page is nothing more than “The”.

    Oops. This has only been waiting two years. Alright, I guess it’s about time to get this out the door.

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  • Poking and Prodding Wild Water Adrenaline

    This isn’t going to be the most in-depth piece I’ve ever written, as my interest only went so far with this one (I’m sure you can understand if you’re familiar with the title in question), but I thought I’d throw some of my findings out there just on the off-chance it’s useful.

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  • Welcome to the Library!

    If you’re on our Discord server, you’re probably already aware of this, but we’re happy to reveal a new section of The Data Dungeon, creatively dubbed the “Library”.

    For the library, we’ll be making various pieces of documentation and more, easily accessible for anyone to read and search online. Right now, you can find copies of earlier DirectX and MSDN documentation available, and we’ll aim to add and expand on it over time.

    You can find the new section here. We haven’t yet updated the homepage of The Data Dungeon to link to the library yet but will be doing so soon.

    As usual, if you have any feedback, you can submit it in the dedicated channel in our server.

  • Black9 Lives!

    Yesterday, Dink, a user on the Hidden Palace Discord, posted a link to a build of Black9 which had seemingly been uploaded to anonymously just some days prior. If you didn’t know already, I’d written a short piece about Black9 back in 2018 (yikes, time flies), so it was really exciting to finally have an opportunity to see what the game actually looked and played like.

    But nothing is ever quite that simple, is it?

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