Banner created by Luis Antônio

  • More Unreal Warfare Music!

    Today several more tracks intended for Unreal Warfare have been uploaded to the archive and onto the YouTube channel.

    You can view the videos on YouTube here and download the music yourself here.


  • The Story behind Hybrid

    Before I begin, I need to apologise. I’ve been sitting on this one for quite sometime and should have really kicked this out a little sooner. So a year later, here it finally is!

    Keeping to my tradition of pursuing the lesser known spectrum of games and documenting their history, a while ago I came across a particular game called Hybrid, a first-person shooter developed for the Sony PlayStation by MotiveTime Ltd.

    If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s very likely due to it’s limited publicity and release, having only seen a release in both Japan and the United Kingdom.

    After getting in touch with Jason McFee, the developer responsible for the artwork featured in the game, I was surprised to hear about the troubled development of the game. He provided his in-depth account of the game’s development that I’ve provided below.

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  • Sentient Textures

    I very recently extracted most of the textures used for the game Sentient. The game uses a pretty simple package format and most of the other formats therein are also pretty simple.


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  • MDK2 2214 Development Build

    Today I’m happy to share a development build of MDK2 for the Sega Dreamcast, dated 30th of November, 1999.

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  • I'm back!

    Goodness, I haven’t posted in a little while - whatever happened to doing a post a month? I guess I was struggling with even that much.

    So I’ve been hard at work on an open-source remake of Hogs of War which has been making a lot of progress lately and because of that it’s really started absorbing a lot of my time.

    If you haven’t checked it out you can find the project here. If you’re interested in the technical details, I highly recommend taking a look at the wiki and docs.

    And I’ve provided a video demonstrating the work thus far on the project below.

    I haven’t given up on this site, but on top of my work for OpenHoW, things have been crazy busy lately as I’ve been in the process of moving into a new house with my partner and almost immediately following that then went on holiday to Wales with my family.

    The good news is I’m now back.

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