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  • Triton's HDV model format

    There was a slight delay in publishing this article as I’d hoped to be able to find the time to delve a little deeper into the format, however this hasn’t been the case so I’ve decided to publish my findings thus far.

    I really hope these serve as a good foundation for anyone else looking to take a dive into the demonstration. If you’re perhaps interested in continuing this work, you’ll be able to download the models that I’ve extracted from the demonstration here. Additionally I’ve recently published most of my notes regarding the demonstration, which can be found here.

    One of my major goals when digging through the Into the Shadows character demonstration was to figure out a way to pull the models out from the game and then identifying them - this proved to be considerably easier than I anticipated, particularly because of the helpful prompts that Triton’s engine provides when loading the format.

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  • Into the depths, of Into the Shadows

    I gave myself a challenge this weekend, something I had actually wanted to do for a while but I’d unfortunately been too absorbed into other things to find the time to take a proper look. Now, there’s a considerable amount of information you can draw from what’s here so I would consider this the first part which might be followed up with some additional information at some stage; it’s very difficult for me to add every single little detail here as much as I would love to.

    Into the Shadows; this is likely a very unfamiliar name for a video-game to many people, which is quite unfortunate given that it was truly a technical marvel for it’s time. The game itself has often been touted in public as a action fighter, compared to the likes of many fighter games of the day such as Virtual Fighter and not so much as an RPG, though from my analysis I think the game was actually very likely a combination of both - I’m not entirely sure why there were mixed messages regarding this, it’s possible the development team weren’t entirely sure themselves, we are after all talking about a game that was incredibly early into it’s development. Regardless the depth of the gameplay that was to be featured in the game has not been publically documented in great depth, very little is known about how the game actually played.

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  • Discord Server!

    Image result for discord logo

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but we now have a Discord server!

    Feel free to join up, chat about game development, cut content, reverse engineering, or whatever you feel you want to share with the rest of us. If you’re interested to see slightly more frequent blobs of updates then this will be the place to see them too.

  • Iron Storm Packages

    I know very little of the Iron Storm game, admittedly, but Saturday evening I decided to take a look at the game and wrote a loader for its package format. The package format used in Iron Storm is made up of an LST file, which is basically an index of all the files within the IBF file—the IBF being the actual file that contains the data used by the game.

    There isn’t a lot to say about either of these, but I’ve provided the information below for prosperity; hopefully someone will make something neat out of it!

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  • A closer look at the Unreal Technology Demo

    At the European Computer Trade Show, on September 6th 2000, Epic Games unveiled a technology demonstration of the Unreal Engine, showing new features and capabilities that they were introducing to the engine. A number of new features were shown that Epic Games were looking to introduce to the engine in the short term, along with PlayStation 2 support, but with the long term goal of producing a new engine entirely. This iteration of the engine eventually came to be known as the Warfare engine, now known as Unreal Engine 2, the predecessor to Unreal Engine 3.

    The technology demonstration was unsurprisingly comprised of a number of different demonstrations but a lot of these provide some fascinating insight into the development of the engine and the upcoming games at the time. We’ll be going over each of these as they appeared in the video below and doing a short analysis on each.

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