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  • Exploring the deep, with Bullfrog's Creation

    Earlier in the year I stumbled upon a demonstration build of Bullfrog’s cancelled Creation game that was shared publicly on the fantastic website, Internet Archive.

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  • Into the depths, of Into the Shadows

    I gave myself a challenge this weekend, something I had actually wanted to do for a while but I’d unfortunately been too absorbed into other things to find the time to take a proper look. Now, there’s a considerable amount of information you can draw from what’s here so I would consider this the first part which might be followed up with some additional information at some stage; it’s very difficult for me to add every single little detail here as much as I would love to.

    Into the Shadows; this is likely a very unfamiliar name for a video-game to many people, which is quite unfortunate given that it was truly a technical marvel for it’s time. The game itself has often been touted in public as a action fighter, compared to the likes of many fighter games of the day such as Virtual Fighter and not so much as an RPG, though from my analysis I think the game was actually very likely a combination of both - I’m not entirely sure why there were mixed messages regarding this, it’s possible the development team weren’t entirely sure themselves, we are after all talking about a game that was incredibly early into it’s development. Regardless the depth of the gameplay that was to be featured in the game has not been publically documented in great depth, very little is known about how the game actually played.

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  • Iron Storm Packages

    I know very little of the Iron Storm game, admittedly, but Saturday evening I decided to take a look at the game and wrote a loader for its package format. The package format used in Iron Storm is made up of an LST file, which is basically an index of all the files within the IBF file—the IBF being the actual file that contains the data used by the game.

    There isn’t a lot to say about either of these, but I’ve provided the information below for prosperity; hopefully someone will make something neat out of it!

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  • Weekly Update

    I’ve kind of realised that I’m not doing frequent enough updates. Perhaps it’s time I got into the habit of doing weekly updates just so you know what’s going on and that I’m not totally idle.

    So yes, I’ve certainly slowed down with producing videos. It’s not intentional but I’ve kind of lost the motivation a little due to how long the last few videos have taken to produce and the amount of crap I’ve had to deal with when it comes to the Source engine.

    Generally I just don’t look forward to launching Hammer, dealing with the crap content pipeline and essentially basically showing things that I’d imagine most of you have already seen; it doesn’t make me feel especially productive. I’m looking to do videos on other things, but I’m afraid I don’t have anything in the pipeline quite at this time.

    I’m gradually looking at switching my format to doing more analytical works which is something I’ve always wanted to focus myself towards, primarily in written articles as I can cover more than I could in a video. There are two articles in the works at the moment, one focusing on Unreal Engine 2 and another that covers the last Half-Life 2 video I produced.

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  • SiN Emergence things

    A long time ago now, one of my many hobby projects was looking at how feasible it would be to produce an open-source reproduction of SiN Episodes, so that work on it could essentially continue (or to just otherwise bring it over to Source 2013). I decided to return to this today and felt it would probably be interesting for a few to share how this is going right now.

    I actually ended up revisiting the project as a result of an article I was working on to explain how you can get the SiN Episodes SDK functioning again. Unfortunately it seems that the steps I used previously will no longer work as Valve has changed how Steam’s config is set up, which was part of both the solution and the cause of the problem to begin with.

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