---------------------------------------------- PREY: Hunted v0.0.1 Mark "hogsy" Sowden (hogsy@oldtimes-software.com) ---------------------------------------------- I've wanted to make a modification to Prey for a very long time now, and finally managed to find the time to do so. Right now it's just a small set of changes, nothing huge, but I hope it will make the game experience a little different. In the future I'd like to do a heck of a lot more, but we'll see :) Features: - Death walk has been removed, so dying now means you will need to load via save or restart - CVar "pm_modelView" now works, so you can view the world from Tommy's eyes! - CVar "pm_modelViewForward" has been added so you can adjust the camera with pm_modelView enabled - WIP '98 HUD recreation (to enable it, move hud/dev/hud_healthbars.guifragment into hud/)